CALLA MARKETING: Digital Business Solutions

The Importance of Website Speed for SEO and User Experience


In today’s fast-paced digital world, speed is a crucial factor that can make or break the success of your website. Not only does website speed affect user experience and satisfaction, but it also plays a vital role in search engine optimization (SEO). As a digital agency, we understand the importance of website speed and its […]

10 Elements of a Good Website: A Checklist

successful websites checklist

In a world of millions of websites, only a small percentage is truly successful. The good news is that you can determine how well you want your website to do. Any why not? Your website is your storefront on the web. It is your most important asset on the web. Tomorrow Facebook may close, but […]

Before launching your e-commerce website: Checklist

calla e-commerce tips checklist

An e-commerce website can be defined as a website that facilitates the buying and selling of products and services online. An e-commerce website is, basically, an online shop. a shop displays products, buyers come in, select products, and pay for them. Calla Marketing Do you want to launch your e-commerce site? This guide gives you […]

Why your business MUST have a website

business website

Unless your business is not trying to grow, having a website in 2018 is essential. Not only does the website for a company facilitate the promotion of its products and services. But it’s also a free way to spread the right message to prospects and customers. And it’s now easier than ever. Every business, whatever […]